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Stamford Youth Soccer League

Stamford Youth Soccer League

Resources for Parents & Players

2023-2024 Season Travel & Premier Tryouts Form

Youth Soccer Guide

Stamford FC Player & Participant Safety Policy

Indoor Soccer Rules

CJSA COVID-19 Waiver

Sponsor Form

Concussion Information

Medical Release Form


A somewhat new Federal law is in effect for the protection of children from abuse.

The official name of the law is: “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017”. The law went into effect on February 14, 2018. 

A number of rules and guidelines that will be described below must be followed by all “covered individuals” beginning September 1 2019.

Covered individuals are all adults who are authorized to interact with minor or amateur athletes by a national governing body. That includes Board Members, trainers, coaches, managers, referees, volunteers, tournament organizers etc.

The law requires a series of steps to be taken by any adult involved with the children in our league when they suspect “child abuse”. In addition, there are a number of conduct guidelines to be followed by these individuals when they are in contact with covered minors.

Child abuse is defined as physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negligent treatment of a child. A covered individual who suspects but does not report child abuse is subject to criminal penalties.

What does that mean practically speaking? If you suspect something -say something. You are not asked to investigate the matter or to begin questioning the child or other adults. If you have a suspicion of child abuse you are required to report it within 12 hours to appropriate authorities who will be summarized in the CJSA Safety Policy. Anyone reporting can remain anonymous.

Under this safety tab is the CJSA (Connecticut Junior Soccer Association) Athlete and Participant Safety Policy. You should red it carfully.

Important sections include:

  1. Prohibited Conduct Policy
  2. Appropriate Background Screening
  3. Education & Training
  4. Reporting
  5. Limiting One-on-One Interactions
  6. Enforcement

Appendix A outlines the Prohibited Conduct Policy which includes:

Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Racial, Religious or National Origin Harassment, Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Misconduct, Emotional Misconduct, Physical Misconduct, Bullying and Hazing

Appendix B outlines required policies in the areas of:

One-on-One Interactions, Massages and Rubdowns, Locker Rooms, Rest Rooms and Changing Areas, Social Media & Electronic communications, Local Travel and Team Travel

Safe Sport Youth Education: 
The U.S. Center for SafeSport Youth Athlete Training courses are now live! These FREE resources include courses for children of preschool age; grades K-2; grades 3-5; middle school and high school. These online trainings are designed as an introduction for minor athletes and their parents or other caregivers to understand the importance of positive, welcoming environments in sports, where misconduct like bullying or abuse is less likely to happen, and to know where to report abuse, should it occur.
Each course requires that a parent/legal guardian create an account to provide consent for their child to access the training. Once an account is created, parents can choose which course is best for their child based on their actual or developmental age. Each course will take less than 30 minutes to complete. A writeable PDF certificate is available at the conclusion of each training, and parents are encouraged to create one bearing their child’s name.


Submitting Information:  you will most often be submitting information on games and events that have already taken place. Please think about the 5 W’s:  Who, What, When, Where and Why.  Please tell us:

  • Who is this about? (Team, players)
  • What happened? (Game, tournament)
  • When did it happen? (Dates/times)
  • Where did it happen (City/state/town, special location)
  • Why is it newsworthy? (Why is this special?)

For social media, with advance notice, it may be possible to post the day of the game or event or as a weekend wrap up on a Sunday or Monday morning. If you are sending something timely that you would like posted as soon as possible, please include ASAP in the subject line of your email.

For important upcoming games or tournaments or other significant events for which you would like the League to do advance publicity, please provide at least four week’s advance notice so a publicity plan can be created and implemented.  For example: announcing tryouts, summer camps or clinics, special training or competitions, registration, ticket sales for an event, a fundraising event, or encouraging support and attendance from family and friends at a game or event.  

Submitting Photos:  Candid photos are best, but posed photos are also good.  Group shots and individual player photos are good.  Avoid profile photos and the backs of player’s bodies or heads, unless the photos show a great action shot. Full, front views are best! Action shots are great as long as they are in focus! Provide the full name for each player in the photo. Please make sure names are spelled correctly. Double check the team roster or provide a copy to us for proofreading, if possible.

Submitting Videos:  In general, keep your videos short.  Research shows the most successfully viewed videos on Instagram are 30 seconds long (on average), and on Facebook, about 1 minute. For News 12 CT Hometown Sports features, please keep your video to no more than 1 minute, if possible. They will be looking for a great play, and a goal, so keep in mind they will likely edit what we send them.  Please note that the League cannot edit your videos, so try not to send anything longer than what is specified (give or take 15 – 30 seconds longer).  Please provide details about what’s happening in the video (refer to the 5Ws mentioned above). Please provide full names of players shown in video, where possible.

Your Contact Info:  please provide your name, email address, home phone and cell phone. We may have questions and need to be able to reach you in a timely manner. You can also provide a secondary contact, if you might not be available.

Please note:  we may not be able to use all information, photos and videos submitted.  

Submit photos, videos and info to:   [email protected]

Contact us

Stamford Youth Soccer League

P.O. Box 4266 
Stamford, Connecticut 06907
Phone: 203-539-0110

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